Werkin’ Class


STEVEN FROST (b. Woodsville, NH) ) lives in Long Beach, California. He is an interdisciplinary artist working primarily in sculpture and performance. Frost’s work explores the correlation between performance, identity, and objects. He draws inspiration from literary works, late night television, private archives, and Tumblr.

Frost’s latest project Werkin’ Class is created using the archive of his Great Aunt Helen and her partner Alice. Through collaboration, performance, painting, cooking, and sewing he hopes to reconnect to his departed queer ancestors. Helen and Alice left their family farms after World War II to make their own lives in 1940’s Springfield, Massachusetts. They found privacy and independence as professional women in the once affluent Boston suburb. In his residency at ILGWU, Frost will use develop a series of performances and objects that will pay tribute to Alice and Helen while exploring his own exodus from blue collar Vermont to LA County.

Frost was the recipient of the Lenore G. Tawney Prize and 2011 Annenberg Prize Nominee. He has exhibited his work New York, DC, Seattle, Chicago, and many other locations across the US. He was a 2012 ACRE resident. Frost received a BFA in 2004 from Alfred University/ The New York State College of Ceramics & Design, Alfred, NY. and an MFA in 2011 from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.